UX Discovery

Where we mold your product’s narrative

Okay, so you have an idea. It’s sure to be the next hot mobile app. Or it’s a website that needs more attention than a do-it-yourself or standard web design can provide. Maybe it’s an internal browser application that will take your business to the next level. Whatever the case may be, UX Discovery is where we begin.

What is UX Discovery?

Human-centered design does not start with “designing”. It starts with what we at UX bloc believe is the most overlooked and underutilized aspect of digital product development: UX Discovery.

Defined as the initial UX/UI design phase, UX Discovery involves analyzing and defining the problem to be solved, learning from the various users who will interact with the product, and assembling enough concrete evidence to move forward with design and implementation decisions. In Discovery, we quite literally “Discover” what should be included in your product and how these decisions will be used to solve a multitude of user problems and development queries, before they even come up.

How Discovery Works

We offer full transparency in what we provide and how we provide it. At the end of our Discovery Phase, you will receive our “Bloc Doc”, a comprehensive breakdown of our research, analysis, and design concept ideas. This detailed documentation will be used to support and inform Design and Development teams in their work moving forward.

We Research
the Problem Space


We define and frame the problem to solve and determine real world implications.


We analyze competitors and consider how to make your product better.

defining the problem

User Groups &

We identify the people whom the problem affects and group them by demographics.


We conduct interviews to define key features and performance indicators.

Contextual User

We work to understand the needs and motivations of the users themselves.


We acquire an abundance of data quickly from a large, diverse user pool.

We Analyze
the User Research Data

Empathy Mapping

We visualize user behaviors and attitudes to deepen our understanding, while trying to poke holes in existing user data.

Card Sorting

We organize data concepts taken from our user research to find common patterns, themes, and insights.

User Personas

We create fictional characters based on real data from our research, highlighting user behaviors, needs, and motivations.

We Develop
UX Design Concepts

User Requirements

We outline functional and contextual requirements that your product should offer so users can achieve their goals.

Task Analyses

We define sets of tasks that the design should allow the persona to complete and evaluate the relationship between them.

User Scenarios

We form textual narratives where personas interact with your product, helping us tailor the experience to their needs.

Journey Maps

We construct a macro view of the path a persona takes when interacting with your product, from realization to satisfaction.


We illustrate visual sequences that tell stories of personas interacting with your product in everyday scenarios.

UI Sketches

We take our first stab at creating basic architectural and UI elements for the product that support our defined tasks.

Discovery is Complete!

Your deliverables will be presented in a tidy report we call our “Bloc Doc”.

Bloc Doc

“Your Company”

UX Discovery Protocol for (Project Description)

This detailed documentation will be used by the design and development teams over the next two phases, ensuring that your project follows UX protocols and maintains discipline throughout every sprint.

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Ready for
Phase 2?

Let the fun begin, as we turn our research and analysis into beautiful…

UI Design

UX Site Audit – 25% OFF

You have an existing site or application that isn’t performing to its potential. Let UX bloc execute our careful UX analysis to identify which pain points can be turned into memorable experiences.

Learn More
Know Your Vote, a mobile application designed to give voters more readily available information their vote
Know Your Vote logo

Know Your Vote

Mobile app for U.S. election information designed to enhance participation and trust
UX Discovery / UI Design

My Butler, a mobile app where users can hire help around the house from a large pool of professionals
My Butler logo

My Butler

Mobile app for securing professional assistance for a variety of household jobs
UX Discovery / UI Design